FAQ Page
1. What are the 2025 Community Impact Awards?
The 2025 Community Impact Awards recognize businesses and organizations for their outstanding commitment to community service, celebrating those who use their resources to drive positive change.
2. Who can apply for the awards?
Both for-profit and non-profit organizations are eligible to apply, regardless of size. The awards celebrate companies that engage in meaningful community impact initiatives.
3. What are the key dates for the 2025 awards?
Applications open on October 21, 2024, and must be submitted by January 31, 2025. Winners will be notified in April and the public announcement will be made May 22, 2025, during the virtual awards ceremony.
4. How do I apply for the 2025 Community Impact Awards?
Applications for the 2025 Awards have closed. The 2026 Community Impact Awards are planned to launch in January, 2026.
5. What is the application fee*?
The application fee is based on your organization’s size:
Small Businesses (up to 250 employees): $250
Medium Businesses (250-999 employees): $500
Large Businesses (1,000+ employees): $750
*For-profit and non-profit organizations pay the same fees based on employee count.
6. What are the award categories?
The 2025 awards include the following categories, with winners also receiving recognition within their respective industries:
Small Business (up to 250 employees)
Medium Business (250-999 employees)
Large Business (1,000+ employees)
7. Is this a national award?
Yes, the Community Impact Awards are a nationally recognized program, celebrating organizations from across the United States for their efforts in making a positive community impact.
8. What is the judging process for the awards?
Applications are reviewed in February and March, 2025 by a panel of experts in corporate social responsibility, nonprofit partnerships, and community engagement. The panel will assess the overall impact, employee engagement, and innovation in your community impact initiatives.
9. What factors do the judges consider?
Judges evaluate applications based on 3 criteria (Check question 16 for further instruction):
Overall impact on the community
Employee involvement and engagement in initiatives
Innovation and sustainability of the programs
10. What are the benefits of winning a Community Impact Award?
Winners receive national recognition, increased employee morale, media coverage, networking opportunities, a PR packet with digital assets to share, and inclusion in the Culture of Good annual report.
11. Are there additional costs after applying?
No, the application fee is the only required cost. However, winners may opt to purchase trophies, awards swag, or other post-award services, if desired.
12. Can non-profit organizations apply?
Yes, non-profit organizations are encouraged to apply. They will be judged based on their community impact efforts just like for-profit organizations.
13. Do for-profit and non-profit organizations compete in the same categories?
For-profit and non-profit organizations are evaluated separately within their respective categories, ensuring fairness.
14. How many awards are given out?
Multiple awards are distributed across the different categories, ensuring that organizations of all sizes and sectors are recognized.
15. What kind of community impact efforts qualify for the award?
Eligible efforts include community service, local partnerships, employee volunteerism, environmental sustainability, health initiatives, education programs, and other activities that create positive, measurable community change.
16. Do we need to submit supporting materials?
Although not required, you are encouraged to provide supporting documents you have such as photos, videos, reports, and testimonials to demonstrate your community impact efforts.
17. Is there a fee for winners to attend the awards ceremony?
The ceremony will be a virtual event, and winners are invited to participate at no additional cost. However, additional premium services like networking event tickets or sponsorships are available for additional fees.
18. Can we use the award for marketing purposes?
Yes! Winners receive a digital badge that can be used for marketing, website promotion, and internal communications along with a PR packet with digital assets to share to highlight your achievement.
19. What is the deadline to apply?
The deadline to submit your application is January 31, 2025. Be sure to complete all required fields and upload any necessary documents before this date.
20. Will the awards ceremony be in-person or virtual?
The 2025 awards ceremony will be a virtual event held on May 22, 2025, making it accessible to participants from all over the country.
21. How do I know if my organization is making a competitive impact?
If your organization has measurable outcomes, sustained employee engagement, innovative programs, and clear community benefits, you are well-positioned for consideration.
22. How do I stay updated on the application process and deadlines?
Visit cultureofgood.com/contact and subscribe to updates to receive reminders and announcements regarding the application process, deadlines, and more